Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Trends Vocabulary

Instructions: Write sentences using the following vocabulary. 
Crucial, underestimated, tipping point, sitting on the fence, recap, nurturing. 

1. When you learn a new language, it's crucial to practice your new vocabulary in sentences. 
2. When you are starting a new job, you should never underestimate the power of a smile.
3. A good boss nurtures his most valuable asset; his employees. 

Activity 5
Deadline: September 6th.  


  1. 1. This exam is crucial for my final promedy
    2. My friend has been underestimated with his skill to learn sports
    3. I would like to have some tipping points from your part to dress me
    4. I have been like lastly reading books sitting on the fence
    5. We have to recap, we will go to the movie and after eating
    6. It would be well that you care about your nurturing by going to nutriologist

  2. 1. We must use it to nourish the ground and to plant forest tree.
    2. First of all we should recap on the various concepts.
    3. The environment is a crucial resource.
    4. Some teachers understimate their students.
    5. Some say a tipping point has ocurred.
    6. I am sitting on the fence with my family.
    7. The fight against contamination is crucial and has our support.

  3. 1. It is crucial for my grandmother to take her medication.
    2. You should never underestimate the power the mind
    3. We have to recap the class concepts
    4. We must nurtures the semestre project.
    5. I like sitting on the fence whit my boyfriend.
    6. My friend must have a tipping point.

  4. 1.-When you start to work it's crucial that you know how work in team
    2.-Never underestimate an opponent for her appearance
    3.-If you think you are wrong you should tipping point for change in your life.
    4.-If you asked me what you think about the abortion. I would said that i'm sitting on the fence
    5.-Recap all happenes yesterday, could you say what do you did at 7 of night?
    6.-If you eat fruit and vegetables you are nurturing healthy your body

  5. 1-The english is a crucial poin to develop.
    2- My uncle has underestimated my cousin.
    3- There ser several tipping point to go go school.
    4- My grandfather it's found sitting on the fence.
    5- For summary you need you recap the information.
    6- To be someone competent, need to nurture your knowledge.

  6. I was sitting on the fence thinking if I would go out to a party or not.
    My dad is underestimated with pollution now.
    My mom nurtures my sister very well.
    I need to recap my life a little.
    I have crucial moments in my life.
    I need my mom's tipping point to do some activities

  7. 1. A change personal is crucial for starting of new life.
    2. All this time i underestimated the importance of language english in my professional life.
    3. enter to university was a important tipping point in my personal life
    4. For a moment is best sitting on the fence for forget of the problems.
    5. Recap the learned in the carrer is important for be a big professional
    6. I beliver than is important nurturing the mind because this define who you are and who will you be in the future.

  8. 1. Is crucial using acondicionador in my hair for rid the frizz
    2. You not underestimated to the people because the world rotate
    3. When sofia went to live U.S, it was a tipping point for her life
    4. My best friend wait for me sitting on the fence
    5. I have recap the information on the company
    6. To nurturing the mind is important the reading

  9. 1. It is crucial to study and turn in homework to pass the course
    2. It is normal to feel underestimated by ending a relationship-
    3. It is a turning point to be sitting on the top of a mountain remembering good times doing army.
    4. Sitting on the mountain fence makes me feel good.
    5. To make an analysis of the present it is necessary to recapitulate the past and make better decisions.
    6. To nourish the soul it is necessary to understand literature and read.

  10. [1] In a debate is crucial a good argument.
    [2] Sometimes,people underestimate their skills.
    [3] Climate chance is in a tipping point, isn't reversible.
    [4] She is sitting on the fence, she doesn't know which option is better.
    [5] When you study is necessary recap all topics.
    [6] Parents are responsable for their child's nurture.


  11. 1.If you want to win the competition, it´s crucial to train hard everyday.
    2.Melanie was underestimated by her music classmates, but now she´s one of the best singers.
    3. When a tipping point is reached, a small change in human activity can have long-term consequences on the environment.
    4.You can´t be sit on the fence anymore, what are you gonna do?
    5.Sometimes in our life we need to recap all those episodes that make us feel happy or angry.
    6.The environment nurturing need to be prioritized.

  12. (1) When you buy a new product, it is crucial to know it's use
    (2) In a new job, it is never good to underestimate people for their appearance
    (3) We are responsible for nurturing the new generations correctly
    (4) He is sitting on the fence watching the sunset
    (5) At the end of class it is good to recap everything we saw to not forget anything
    (6) Having new friendships generated a turning point in me to be more sociable

  13. 1. Never underestimate nobody

    2. You have to nurture your brain of knowledge

    3. It is crucial to pay attention if you want to learn

    4. When you have a problem with you girlfriend, recap what did you do wrong

    5. I am sitting on the fence on what I will wear today

    6. In every relationship sometimes there is a tipping point, which generates too much feelings

  14. 1. To travel to other countries it´s crucial learn the english language
    2. Yesterday I was sitting on the fence of my house
    3. Always is necessary recap the moments of our life
    4. Work in team is good for nurturing the projects
    5. The danger is that we may fast be approaching a tipping point.
    6. The country's mineral wealth has been underestimated.

  15. 1.-Is crucial have a diploma when you finish if you want to grow in your company.
    2.-Never understimate your rival because you can lose.
    3.-We had reached the tipping point... The planet could no longer sustain the polution.
    4.-If you want to help people you can´t sitting on the fence only, just do good things!
    5.-So, recap we need to do little actions for save the planet.
    6.-Families are the primary source of nurtering and care.

  16. 1° I am at a crucial point of my life.
    2° Some bosses underestimate the skills of their employees.
    3° A tipping point is necessary to balance the mind.
    4° I like to be sitting on the fence and see what is around.
    5° I must recap what I've done with my life.
    6° You must read to nurturing your mind.

  17. 1.- Never underestimated the ability you have to learn English
    2.- When you need solve a problem, recap your experiences to solution
    3.- The planet is at a tipping point, we can do the change your need
    4.- The UAEMéx nurtured its education system and it now has the best students in the state
    5.- Start my bachelor´s it´s a crucial moment in my life
    6.- To be a better person you can´t stay sitting on the fence, work hard

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. 1. The choise is ours and we cannot sit on the fence.
    2. My mom was nurturing my sister because she had a surgery.
    3. Have a routine of work out and balanced meals is crucial for a good health.
    4. You must not underestimate the danger.
    5. In the last few years, the world has reached a tipping point
    6. The teacher always recaps before starting a new lesson

  20. 1-It is crucial to understand the Nazi ideology to understand the reason for the story.
    2-Hitler was underestimated in the First World War until he announced his ideals.
    3-Counter attack techniques are a tu
    tipping point to win the battle.
    4 - André I hope sitting on the fence to his friend to go shopping.
    5-Simon needs to recap the math topic to pass the exam.
    6-Juan will nurturing his dog for the race.

  21. 1. Don´t underestimate people, they can surprise you, keep an open mind.
    2. I realized I couldn´t sit on the fence anymore, I had to decide between accountancy or philosophy.
    3. Let´s recap the topics of the exam, is going to be easier if we do it.
    4. I love nurture my cactus, I love it when in spring, some of them bloom.
    5. Right now, the world is in a tipping point, or we change and take care of it or its beauty is going to be messed up soon.
    6. The adolescence is crucial in human´s life.

  22. 1.- At the end of my degree in Accounting, the job search it´s crucial.
    2.- I responded in a bad way because they had already underestimated my character.
    3.- It is true that the arrival of the new ticket $200 will bring a radical tipping point.
    4.- Yesterday on the way home, I met a friend from high school sitting on the fence of his house next to his dog.
    5.- I need to recap my notes of financial marckets because the exam is very close.
    6.- Attending my workshops CAA helps nurture my knowledge.

  23. 1.Social movements in Mexico are crucial for the economy
    2. In any situation there is usually a person whose power we should never underestimate.
    3. The children are eating an apple sitting on the fence.
    4. In summary, the law of supply is an economic and commercial principle that justifies the quantity available in the market of a given product.
    5.A tipping point where we lose control of climate.
    6. Nourish our heart with laughing and blissful ideas throughout.

  24. 1.- it is crucial that we take care of the water
    2.- never underestimate the power of love
    3.- I sat on the fence with my girlfriend
    4.- we must recap the discussion
    5.- nutritious food is the best

  25. 1.It is crucial to learn English and pass the course
    2.my brother was underestimated at school
    3.I heard that a turning point in the school happened yesterday
    4.I stained my paint shirt when I was sitting on the fence
    5.I like to recap things, because there I don't forget anything
    6.and important nucrice to grow healthy and strong

  26. 1. It is crucial to go the doctor when the body don't work well.
    2. Do not be should underestimate the work of the women's.
    3. Everyday i try nurturing my mind reading.
    4. There are severals tipping point throughout life.
    5. I cant sitting on the fence because its raining.
    6. I need recap the class of today because i didnt understand.

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  28. 1. People always underestimate the power that I have as their Supreme.
    2. If we don't feel good about our lives, we need to recap what we are doing wrong.
    3. Do homework well is crucial to getting good grades.
    4. Every day, we nurturing with all the ideas that people give us.
    5. I don't like sitting on the fence, it's a lot of pressure for someone like me.
    6. Actually, I'm at a tipping point where I need all the motivation to continue with my college career.

  29. 1-. I feel better doing things myself.
    2-. My goal is make it to better in english.
    3-. Never leave an dropped out dog
    4-. I would like go into the university
    5-. It is good to be better in all walks of life
